Raising the Tile Ceiling, Ice Walls and Magic Fountains

So I finally tackled a looming issue that I've known for months, possibly more than a year, would eventually have to be addressed. Each tile on the map was represented by a one-byte integer, meaning I had room for 256 possible tile types. I've been torpedoing towards this ceiling for some time now (iron wall, acid trap, bamboo grove, explosive mushroom, grasping vines, etc.) and knew I would eventually need to change this. I finally turned my Grid class into a class template capable of storing cells of varying size and implemented 2-byte tiles. This required a lot of debugging as so many functions were founded on the assumption that a single tile is represented by 1 byte and a lot of things were acting funny for a while, but I think I've finally got it under control. Now that the ceiling has been raised to 65536 I should be fine for a while.

In celebration of the fact that I can now go nuts making up new tiles, I implemented magic fountains of various kind (such as healing, purification, poison, gloom). A magic potion is kind of like a renewable potion tied to a specific location. Drinking the fountain will make it turn dry, but it will replenish after around 300 turns. Like potions, magic fountains are unidentified on discovery. More most players, the only way to identify a fountain is to drink from it. Unlike potions, identifying one fountain will not identify that entire class of fountain. Creating fountains necessitated creating a new cell_updater system that tracks certain cells, checking them each turn until some effect is resolved.

Another thing I did yesterday was to add a debugging option to pause at each step of dungeon generation (and there are many steps now!) to show the results on screen until a key is pressed. This was absolutely eye-opening! I feel like I've just been working in the dark this entire time! Before now I would only look at the end result. This allowed me to quickly see steps in the process that were not working as I expected. It was also very surprising to see how frequently maps were getting rejected for various reasons, such as that there weren't enough accessible areas.

Also this week I added the wand of ice walls. This wand will create a wall of ice about 7 cells long perpendicular to the zapper that lasts for about 50-60 turns. This effect makes use of the same cell_updater system I added for the fountains, since the walls have to be tracked until they melt, at which time the original tile is replaced. Any creatures in the path of the ice wall are pushed out of the way, or they will block the creation of the ice wall if they can't be pushed. Of course, fire can destory the ice wall early.

Get Sunlorn

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