Mud, Artillery and Ruined Cities

I've done a lot of code cleanup and reorganizing lately, pulling methods out of my bloated classes and sticking them into neat little namespaces. Maybe soon I'll standardize the arguments for all the action and spell functions, then I can put them into beautiful tables and ditch some long winding switch statements.

On the more fun side, I came up with a way for generating ancient ruined cities. I just ran my regular city building algorithm, but punched holes in the buildings before placing them on the map. The inhabitants aren't generated, of course, instead I just scatter around rats and skeletons and giant centipedes. I also turned off the function that clears all the vegetation out of the way, so the city can be overrun with trees, vines and shrubs. This seems like a good place to put dungeon entrances.

Other fun stuff:

- The wand of egress: essentially a teleportation wand, but it doesn't just pick you up and put you down somewhere randomly. It turns the target into a particle that quickly moves around the map for about 40 steps before setting the target done. In this way it cannot transport the target across impassable barriers. Might still drop you in magma.

- The amulet of evasion: at the moment the wearer is about to be hit by a projectile or melee attack or projectile that would kill the wearer or cause damage of at least 20% their hitpoint total, the amulet will teleport the wearer a short distance away, thus avoiding the damage. The amulet has just 6 charges and disappears once used up.

- The "belcher": this floating blob spits slow moving globes of acid that splash over a wide range on impact. This was the first enemy that fires a slow-moving projectile that takes multiple turns to impact.

- The "cacodemo": (yeah, like in Doom) another floating blobby creature that fires a slow moving projectile.

- The "bloat": (yeah, like in Brogue) a floating blob that will self-burst into a cloud of caustic gas.

- The "artillery beetle": this one fires an explosive projectile. Tends to blow itself up quickly. I may need to come up with some specific AI code for this one.

- New spell "create mud": A simple low-level spell that temporarily turns some ground tiles into mud. Mud has a high movement cost, so this can be useful for escaping monsters or for slowing down monsters if you want to ping them off with range attacks. As a secondary use, traps are disabled while they are covered in mud.

- Walking on ice how has a small chance (based on dexterity) of cause a player or monster to slip, sliding 1-4 cells over in a random direction.

Right now, the save game function is broken again. I have plenty of time this weekend, so I suppose I should fix that. Then there would be nothing stopping me from putting a downloadable version online like I always say I'm going to do.

Get Sunlorn

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