Birth of the Gods

From last November until March I put in a lot of hours on my project, but since that time I've had to put it aside to catch up on other aspects of life. But this week I had some time to dive back into it.

Anyway, my approach right now is to focus on the features immediately needed to turn this 'project' into a game that is fun to play. Right now the most needed feature seems to be the religion system. The player does not select any sort of class at the start of the game, but in game the player can find priests and ask to convert to their religion (kind of like in DCSS). A religion will grant access to certain spells and abilities, and each is designed to support a certain play style. So far, there are four gods:

- A god of athletics/combat (supports a play style heavily relying on melee)

- A god of war/order (powers are mainly defensive or give bonuses to followers)

- A god of nature (relies on animal followers and shapeshifting)

- A god of secrets/divination (provides powers for divination/infiltration)

The player can earn ranks within the religion, granting access to new powers, however I haven't yet figured out how they should score points with their god. Some possibilities are:

- doing little side quests for the priests

- killing certain enemies of the religion

- offering certain things at altars (e.g., food, treasure, slain enemies, live creatures)

- simply accumulating points over time

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