More Content

I've just been shoveling content a lot lately. Here are some examples of things recently added:

  • Single use javelins of lightning. Turn into a lightning bolt when throw.

  • Flash pods. Small clay pellets that, when broken (by throwing), release a momentary bright flash of light. Creatures within a small radius are blinded.

  • Spell of darkness. Creates a globe of impenetrable darkness that can blot out any light sources within. Also added creatures called "shadows" that are permanently surrounded by a radius of impenetrable darkness.

  • Various summoning spells that require the caster to be near a particular element. E.g., you can "call shadows" if you are near cells that have no light, "call water spirits" if you are near a body of water or "call fire spirits" if you are near fire.

  • Spell called "phase stone". Allows the caster to pass directly through a few cells of solid stone. Only works in a straight line.

  • Added actions that take multiple turns to complete. So now if you eat something, it may take 10 turns to resolve for example. It is possible for these actions to be interrupted for various reasons, such as if the player is attacked.

  • Spell called "soothe beasts". This causes the caster to sing for about 12 turns (can be interrupted). Animal type creatures will have their relation to the caster gradually improved if they are in hearing range of the caster. The caster can gain animal minions this way.

  • A kind of grab attack available for creatures, added pythons as a species of creature that has this ability. A creature hit with a grab attack is unable to move away from the attacker unless it can successfully break away. Breaking away requires the victim to make a random roll influenced by their strength and the strength of the attacker. Wearing an "amulet of intractability" makes you immune to this attack.

  • Spell called "spectral chain". The caster hurls an ethereal chain at a target, which can pull the target up next to the caster. Furthermore, the target is "grabbed" for a few turns. The amulet of intractability (or other source of this extrinsic) prevents the target from getting pulled by this chain.

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